Kelly Stevens of Austin’s Seven Creative took time to visit the Sam Houston State University Department of Art. Kelly lectured about her work and career, reviewed student work, and worked with students during her visit. Kelly’s lecture, Don Draper, Pajamas, Tofu & Beluga Whales: A Design Odyssey, covered her experience from being a new designer to running her own studio.
Kicking off her design workshop, Kelly showed her early work and portfolio to demonstrate the importance of story telling. An accomplished photographer, Kelly discussed techniques for budget minded young professionals, such as how to expand, or blow out projects from one design element, such as a poster or logo, to full-blown branding packages. Using only a phone camera, Kelly showed students how to use natural and direct lighting, creating professional looking shots to enhance a portfolio. Using window daylight and large sheets of paper as reflectors, Kelly demonstrated easily accessible and dramatic lighting techniques while shooting Friday morning’s donuts!